Flow Through Orifice & Mouthpiece Price And Quantity
1 Unit
35999 INR/Unit
Flow Through Orifice & Mouthpiece Product Specifications
Through Orifice & Mouthpiece
180-250 Kilograms (kg)
Stainless Steel
220 Volt (v)
For Experimental Use
Flow Through Orifice & Mouthpiece Trade Information
Cash in Advance (CID) Cash Advance (CA)
10-20 Unit Per Day
1 Week
Australia North America Eastern Europe Middle East Africa Central America South America Western Europe Asia
All India
Product Description
Flow Through Orifice & Mouthpiece
It consists of a tank provided with inlet supply diffuser, overflow, and provision for fitting Orifice or Mouthpiece at the outlet of tank. An arrangement is done to vary head and keep it constant at desired level. A pointer gauge arrangement for measuring X-Y co-ordinates of Jet is also fitted. Present set-up is self-contained water re-circulating unit, provided with a sump tank and a centrifugal pump etc. Flow rate of water is measured with the help of measuring tank and stop watch.